Talk Billing & Call Charges Guide
- How and when do I pay for the service?
- Do I still have to pay line rental to BT?
- Why is the first payment different to my normal monthly amount?
- How do I check my bill?
- What happens if I miss a payment?
- What's the credit limit?
- How do credit limits work?
- What if I use my credit before the end of the month?
- How are calls charged?
- How are call features charged?
- How can I query premium rate call charges?
1. How and when do I pay for the service?
Your line rental, call plan and call charges will be taken at the same time as your broadband subscription via the same payment method.
2. Do I still have to pay line rental to BT?
No. You pay us for your line rental and call plan.
3. Why is the first payment different to my normal monthly amount?
The first payment is a pro-rata payment to cover the time between your line transfer completing and your next broadband billing date.
After this you'll be billed the normal amount each month at the same time as your broadband.
4. How do I check my bill?
Use the Talk Control Panel. You'll be able to see charges for:
- Line rental
- Call plan
- Calls you've made
- Call features
5. What happens if I miss a payment?
If you miss a payment we'll send you an email and SMS (if you've registered to receive these) to let you know. When you log in to the Madasafish website you'll also see an alert asking you to pay. You can choose not to pay immediately if you don't want to, but we'll send you reminders after 5 and 10 days. If you've not paid within 14 days all outgoing calls (apart from emergency and Operator) will be redirected to our Support Team so you can pay your outstanding bill. Once you've paid your service will be returned to normal.
Note: we can't guarantee that you'll be able to make outgoing calls immediately.
- Within a couple of hours - If we process your reactivation before 3pm Monday to Saturday
- Next day - If we process your reactivation after 3pm Monday to Friday
- Following Monday morning - If we process your reactivation after 3pm Saturday
6. What's the credit limit?
The standard credit limit is £50 for both Talk Free & Talk Anytime accounts.
7. How do credit limits work?
Once a day your Itemised Bill will be updated as the calls you make are processed.
The charge for each call will be deducted from your credit limit, up to the maximum allowed for your product (like an 'overdraft' for call charges).
At the end of the month you'll be charged the amount that's been deducted from your credit limit at that point (this will be reduced if you've topped up during the month). Your credit limit will then reset for the next month.
For example:
- If you make £10 worth of chargeable calls during your billing month you'll be billed £10 on your next billing date
- If you make £10 worth of chargeable calls during your billing month but top-up by £5, you'll be billed £5 on your next billing date
If you top-up and don't use this within the billing month your credit will be carried over.
Sometimes it takes a while for a call to be confirmed. If a call is not confirmed before your next billing date, the cost will be added to your next invoice but the call will appear on the bill for the month it was made in. Have a look at your Recent Calls to see unconfirmed calls on your account.
8. What if I use my credit before the end of the month?
If you reach your credit limit, all calls (apart from emergency 999/112 and operator) will be barred and a charge of £5.76 will be added to your next bill.
Before this happens, we'll email you as you reach £15, £10 and £5 available credit.
You'll need to top-up and have at least £5 credit available before we allow calls on your line again.
You can prevent this by topping up your credit through the month using the Talk Control Panel.
You can top-up by £5, £10, £25, £50, £75 or £100.
9. How are calls charged?
Setup Fee
The following call types are subject to a 10.9p set up fee:
- Non-inclusive 01,02 or 03 landline calls
- UK mobiles
- International mobiles
- Premium rate services
The following call types are not subject to a set up fee:
- Inclusive calls
- Fixed fee calls
- Calls to Madasafish Support
- Calls to 084, 087, 09 and 118 numbers
Access Charge
The following call types are subject to a 9.58p per minute access charge:
- Calls to 084, 087, 09 and 118 numbers
Charging Rules
Please note: This information applies only to chargeable calls. Inclusive calls have no charges associated with them.
- Calls are charged for a minimum one minute duration*
- Call durations are then rounded up to the next minute*
- A setup charge of 10.9p is added
- The final total is rounded up to the next whole pence
- See our Call Rates for call costs
Example: A call of 1 minute 3 seconds |
Call duration rounded up to 2 minutes |
Final cost is for 2 minutes call plus setup charge rounded up to next whole pence. |
* For calls to service numbers beginning 084, 087, 09 and 118 the access charge is rounded up to the nearest minute and the service charge is rounded up to the nearest second. There is no setup fee for these calls.
Inclusive Calls
Package | Inclusive Calls |
Talk Anytime |
Talk Free |
Calls to Madasafish Support and other Talk customers are free at all times.
Inclusive calls are only free for the first 60 minutes (30 minutes for international numbers).
After this, calls are charged for at the standard rate (see our Call Rates).
10. How are call features charged?
For more information on the costs and features available, please see our Call Features Guide.
If you add features with a total cost less than £3 a month, you'll be charged for them on your next bill. If you add features costing more than £3 in total you'll be charged for them immediately.
11. How can I query premium rate call charges?
Firstly you should check the equipment connected to your telephone line (other than your telephone handset). One or more of these may be dialling out to premium rate numbers without you knowing.
- Fax dial-up modem (not your broadband router) - You should disconnect this from your telephone line and run a virus check on your PC. A virus may be dialling out to premium rate numbers when you switch your PC on.
- Security and fire alarm systems - Many of these connect to a telephone line. (This is because if a break in or fire happens an alert can be raised, as well as to ensure that the alarm is still connected to the alarm company). You should contact the alarm company and ask under what circumstances the alarm system automatically dials them.
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