No synchronisation
No Synchronisation is when the DSL light on your Modem/Router is either OFF or Flashing. This means that there is no communication between your modem/router and local exchange.
No synchronisation can be caused by many possible reasons, below are a few examples:
- The Broadband line is not activated as yet.
- Faulty Internal Wiring
- A Faulty BT Socket
- A Faulty Microfilter
- Faulty or Lengthy Extension Cables
- A problem at the Exchange
- The quality of the BT line
Troubleshooting No Synchronisation
- Confirm the installation date of your Broadband service. Is your broadband live yet? We will have sent you an email to confirm the date your service is due to be active from.
- Check that you can make and receive calls.
- Ensure that you have connected all the cables correctly and switched the modem/router on.
- Swap microfilters to rule out the possibility of any one being faulty.
- Ensure that all phone sockets in use (Telephones, Sky Box, Answering machines, etc) have microfilters attached. Remember that a maximum of four filtered devices can be connected to your line at any given time.
- When using a USB connection, reboot your modem by unplugging the USB cable, wait 30 seconds and then reconnect. If this does not resolve the problem, uninstall the drivers for the modem and then reinstall them. Before you uninstall the drivers please make sure that you have the CD that came with your modem.
- When using an broadband router we suggest that you power down it down and then up again. You may reset your device by using the reset button on the router. To reset the router you might need to use a sharp object, perhaps a needle or a pin. Remember to reset the router while it is still powered on. The configuration lights on the front of the router will switch off, and after a few seconds they will power on again. Although resetting the router may help, it is important that you keep a note of your username and password, as the reset function will remove all stored passwords, which means that you will need to reconnect manually via the router homepage afterwards.
- If this has not resolved the problem, confirm that you have the latest firmware.
- Disconnect everything from your phone line except the broadband modem/router and ensure that you have a microfilter connected. Ensure that NO extension cables are in use before connecting the modem/router directly to a BT socket.
- Connect your modem/router to the Test socket (Inside your Master Socket). Remove the front plate of your master socket, and connect your microfilter directly into the test socket which is at the bottom right hand corner.
- Should you have tried the above mentioned and still experience problems connecting, the fault could possibly be with your line, please contact Madasafish Technical Support for further assistance.
Below is an example of the BT Master socket.
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