Composing new email
To compose a new email in Webmail, please log in to your Webmail account from the fields available on our homepage,, using your username and password.
Once you are securely logged into Webmail please click on the New Message option in the main menu at the top of the page. This will open a new mail message.
Inserting Address from your Contacts into the 'To' Field
To insert a contact from your Contacts please click on the text To that appears next to the first empty field on the page. This will open your Contacts. To select a contact to add to the email, please put a tick in the box next to the field you wish for their name to appear in:
To - the contact will appear as one of the main recipients of the email
Cc - the contact will appear in the Carbon Copy' field of the email
Bcc - the email will be sent to contact however it will be sent as a Blind Carbon Copy' and their email address will not appear on the sent copy.
Once you have selected all the contacts you want your email to go to click on the Add to mail button and the email will appear with all the address fields filled in as specified.
Attaching Files to Your Email
To attach a file to an outgoing email please click on the Attach a file button that appears below the Subject field to the right of the screen. On the next screen please click the Browse button to find the file you wish to attach. Once you have found the file in the pop up screen, click Open and Attach file. You'll then see your email message and under the Attach a file button the name of the file that you attached will appear. Should you wish to remove the attached file from the outgoing message please click Remove, which appears to the left of the attached file name.
Checking Your Spelling
To check the spelling on your outgoing messages, please click on Check spelling after you have composed your message.
Should you wish to add any words to the Webmail dictionary please click on Settings in the main menu, then click on Dictionary and you'll be able to customise your Webmail Dictionary from this area.
Saving a Message to Send Later
Should you wish to save an email as a draft, please click on Save draft in the menu at the top of the message. The message will now appear in your Draft folder. You'll be able to access it from this folder later when you wish to send it.
Changing the Appearance of Outgoing Emails
To alter the appearance of outgoing emails, click on Settings in the main menu bar and select the option Compose settings. In the field Your name, please fill in how you want your name to appear on outgoing messages. If you want replies to your emails to be sent to a different email address please enter that address in the Default reply-to field. You can also add a signature that will appear at the bottom of all outgoing messages.
When you're happy with the settings you've created for outgoing mail please select the Save changes button at the bottom of this page to make them active.
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