Changing your settings in Webmail
To access Webmail use the login screen on our Homepage.
To locate the settings management area please click on Settings in the main menu.
Spam Filter
Spam Filter - Turn the spam filter on to help prevent junk or unsolicited email. You can choose whether to have your spam folder automatically emptied or not.
Safe Mail - If you turn safe mail on you will only receive mail from addresses in your Contacts or Friends list. All other mail will be sent to your spam folder.
Friends List - When safe mail is turned on, only mail from addresses in your Contacts or Friends list will be received. You do not need to add an email address here if it is already in your Contacts, as they are automatically included in the Friends List. You can add specific email addresses or whole domain names (e.g., '').
Virus Notification - We will delete any email that is sent to you that contains a known virus. If you have virus notification turned on, we'll send you an email to let you know when this has happened and who the contaminated email was from.
Display Settings
To change the way your incoming emails are displayed, please click on the Settings option in the main menu and click on the option Display settings. Please use the drop-down menus and fields provided to alter the way your incoming messages are displayed.
Compose Settings
To alter the appearance of outgoing emails, click on Settings in the main menu bar and select the option Compose settings. In the field Your name, please fill in how you want your name to appear on outgoing messages. If you want replies to your emails to be sent to a different email address please enter that address in the Default reply-to field. You can also add a signature that will appear at the bottom of all outgoing messages.
When you're happy with the settings you've created for outgoing mail please select the Save changes button at the bottom of this page to make them active.
Should you wish to add any words to the Webmail dictionary please click on Settings in the main menu, then click on Dictionary and you'll be able to customise your Webmail Dictionary from this area.
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