Speed regrades explained
Speed Regrades Explained
If signed up for MAX broadband with Madasafish prior to us offering speeds up to 6Mb, did you know that we'll upgrade you for free?
This article is a quick guide to applying for the upgrade and what to expect when you get Broadband Max.
If you have not yet upgraded, you would have register online. You can apply through My Account on the Madasafish website.
1. Submit your request to upgrade
- Sign in to My Account, using your email address and password
- Click on the Internet tab and if you've not yet upgraded, you'll have the option to Upgrade, please click on this.
- You will now be required to complete an application form to regrade to the new speed.
- It is crucial that you read the terms and conditions before you apply.
- Once you have completed the application, submit the form.
- An email will be sent to you confirming your application.
2. Dynamic Line Management (DLM)
- Speeds can be very sensitive to internal wiring. Please ensure that you have a microfilter fitted to every phone socket that is in use and that you are connecting from your master socket.
- It is very important that you power off your router/modem and then back on again, so that your hardware synchronises with the new speed.
- Your connection speed will not change until you have restarted your router/modem.
- The dynamic line management system, is in place to monitor and modify your line, to provide you with the most stable connection at the highest possible speed your line can handle.
- This system provides your connection a maximum speed of 8,128 Kbps. It then gradually decreases this speed until your line is stable without any disconnection, to ensure that you have an uninterrupted service.
- DLM takes 10 full days to complete. If you fail to connect during the 10 day/s the management system will increment the testing period for an equal number of days that you have not connected. We recommend that you leave your router on all the time during this period.
- If you lose your broadband connection within this period it is important that you reconnect and stay connected for as long as possible, so that the management system has as much accurate data as possible. Having an Ethernet router is an advantage as it connects automatically after a disconnection and your computer does not need to be turned on for the broadband to be connected.
During this period you may experience the following problems:
- Frequent Disconnections/Intermittent Connections
- Slow Download or Browsing Speeds
We will not be able to raise a fault with BT if this does occur, unless you experience a complete loss of service.
- Should you still experience problems on your line after the 10 day period has passed, then please do not hesitate to contact us.
- Remember that Madasafish provides you with the highest possible stable speed that your line can handle. This new line is rate adaptive, which means that your line speed will vary in the same way dial up modems connect at different speeds. This is normal behaviour and not necessarily a fault on your line.
The other factors contributing to the speed and stability of your line are:
- The distance of the line, as it is laid on the ground, from your local BT exchange to your premises. The longer the distance away from the exchange, the weaker the signal strength will be.
- The quality of your telephone line and internal wiring in the house (extension sockets).
After the 10 day DLM testing period has been completed, you will be able to determine the actual speed that your at. If line has been provisioned you require confirmation of this speed, then please do not hesitate to contact Madasafish for clarification. We have trained consultants who will be able to explain the process to you.
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