Upgrading to BullGuard 7.0
To upgrade to BullGuard 7.0, you will need to follow these steps:
- Uninstall the previous version
- Restart the computer
- Installing the new version
If you are an existing user of BullGuard, you should make sure that you have your BullGuard username (which should be your email address) and password at hand.
Download the new version of BullGuard before uninstalling the previous copy. Click My Account to download Bullguard 7.0
Uninstall your old BullGuard software
- Click on the Start menu, click All Programs or Programs and locate your BullGuard folder.
- Choose the Modify & Repair & Uninstall option.
- Select Remove and click on Next.
BullGuard will now uninstall. If you are asked to keep the settings, please choose NOT to do so.
Restart your computer
Before proceeding, it is very important to restart your computer!
Installing the new version
Once your computer has restarted, double-click on the downloaded BullGuard.exe file to start the installation.
Please remember that with any Internet Security application, it is highly recommended that you uninstall all other anti-virus and firewall products before installing BullGuard 7.0 as they may conflict with each other.
The new Backup offers a wide range of great new features, but this has the unfortunate side-effect. It is not backwards compatible. This means that you need to re-upload your backup-data to your Online Drive when you start using the new version.
For more information, click How to install BullGuard 7.0
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