VAT Update 2009 - FAQ
We've recently emailed you about some changes to your Madasafish services.
On 1st January 2010 the Government is increasing VAT from 15% back to 17.5%. This means that we need to make a number of changes to our broadband and phone products.
Pricing for all our broadband products will return to the prices we charged in November 2008.
We're making some important changes to our Talk products at the same time. We'll be launching a whole host of new features like 300 minutes of inclusive international calls, calls to 0845 numbers, and 25% off our mobile call rates with our new Talk Anytime plan.
- Why is line rental increasing?
- How much does my Talk plan cost?
- What are the new features in my Talk plan?
- What are call prices changing to?
- Why are you introducing a call set-up fee?
- What other prices are changing?
- What happens to my Favourite Five numbers?
- What are the details of the special offer mentioned in the email?
- Why are you changing my terms and conditions?
1. Why is line rental increasing?
Line rental is changing from £9.65 a month to £11.25 a month, effective from 1st January. However we've added in lots of additional features, for example calls to 0845 numbers in your inclusive call time (in addition to 0870 calls which we included from October) and 300 minutes of international calls a month to our 20 top destinations.
2. How much does my Talk plan cost?
We'll continue to bundle your Talk Free service at no additional charge when you take line rental with Madasafish for £11.25 a month. We're pleased to announce that we're reducing the cost of our Talk Anytime plan from £5.90 a month to £5.00 a month that's an 18% reduction.
3. What are the new features in my Talk plan?
These include 300 minutes of international calls a month to our top 20 destinations, inclusive 0845 as well as 0870 calls, 25% off our mobile call rates on Talk Anytime, inclusive calls to our Support Team, Caller Display for only 99p and you can also save when taking bundles of Call Features. Youll still get inclusive calls to other Madasafish Talk customers too.
4. What are call prices changing to?
Our call rate for UK landlines is changing to 5.25p per minute for chargeable calls. Remember that 01/02/03 and 0845/0870 calls up to 60 minutes are included at all times on our Talk Anytime service, or during evenings and weekends for customers on our Talk Free service. Calls to dial-up internet and indirect access numbers are excluded.
We're also simplifying our international tariff, so instead of having different rates for daytime, evening and weekends, we'll have one rate for calls made at any time.
We've put together a new call tariff for quick reference.
5. Why are you introducing a call set-up fee?
The call set-up fee will not apply to inclusive evening and weekend calls for customers on our Talk Free service, or inclusive calls made at any time for customers on our Talk Anytime service. Inclusive calls are to numbers starting 01, 02, 03, 0845 or 0870, or international calls made using your monthly 300 minute allowance to our top 20 destinations.
At the moment any non-inclusive calls are charged a 5p minimum call charge. We're removing this and replacing it with a 9.3p call set-up fee.
6. What other prices are changing?
Pricing for all our broadband services will revert back to the prices we charged before VAT was reduced to 15% last year.
7. What happens to my Favourite Five numbers?
If you've already set-up Favourite Five you'll continue to get 5% discount on any chargeable calls to these numbers, and you'll still be able to change the numbers you can get a discount on. This feature is no longer available for new customers, or existing customers who haven't yet set it up.
8. What are the details of the special offer mentioned in the email?
You can register for the special offer via the link in the notification email we sent to you. The offer gives you the Anytime call package free for 3 months, which usually costs £5.00 a month.
9. Why are you changing my terms and conditions?
For a long time customers on different services have had slightly varied terms. We've now unified the terms, so we now have one standard set of terms and conditions for all our services. This will make it much simpler for anyone checking the terms of their agreement. Read the new terms and conditions.
This article was published on 3rd December 2009
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