Madasafish Complaints Code of Practice
1. How you can complain
We aim to be number one for customer service. However, sometimes things can go wrong and, when they do, we want to put them right for you as quickly as we can. Here are the ways you can contact us to raise your complaint:
By phone
The fastest way to let us know if you're not happy with your service is by contacting us by telephone (0844 395 0830 or 0345 140 0200) where you can speak to a member of our customer service team.
Online 'Contact Us'
If you prefer to contact us in writing, go to (you'll need your account username and password) and select 'Raising a Complaint' under the 'Customer Service and Billing' heading. A member of our team will investigate and respond to your complaint within 5 working days.
By letter
It takes longer to reply by letter, but if you prefer to write, please send your letter to the address below. Make sure you include the account username, postcode and telephone number of the service you're complaining about.
Once we receive your letter we will respond within 10 working days. If you need a quicker response, please use one of the other methods mentioned above.
Sheffield Digital Campus,
1a Concourse Way,
S1 2BJ
2. What we'll do and when
Our aim is to resolve any problem as quickly as possible, preferably during a phone call with you. However, if we are unable to resolve your complaint there and then, we will investigate further and contact you with an update as soon as we can.
If you prefer to contact us in writing, we will respond within 5 working days to any complaint raised online, or within 10 working days to a letter of complaint. We will always try to resolve your complaint immediately, but whatever happens, we'll keep you regularly updated.
3. What to do if you're still not happy
If you're still not happy with our final position on your complaint, you can take the matter to Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) by contacting the Ombudsman Services.
Ombudsman Services provides a free, independent service for Madasafish customers who are not satisfied with the final outcome of their complaint.
Ombudsman Services cannot deal with complaints about commercial policy (e.g. our prices, broadband, availability, or our decision to refuse to provide a service following our fraud or credit checks), nor can it deal with complaints from business users with more than 10 employees.
You can refer your complaint to Ombudsman Services for resolution. Ombudsman Services' contact details are:
Address: Ombudsman Services: Communications, PO Box 730, Warrington, WA4 6WU
Telephone: 0330 440 1614
Textphone: 0330 440 1600
If you choose to use the Online Dispute Resolution portal, you will be asked for our contact details. Please use the detail provided below.
Please note that before contacting Ombudsman Services or referring a complaint on the Online Dispute Resolution portal, all complaints need to be submitted to us by one of the methods outlined above to give us the opportunity to resolve it. Ombudsman Services will not review any complaint which is less than 8 weeks old unless we agree we cannot do anything further and have provided you with a deadlock code.
Please find Plusnet's contact details below:
Sheffield Digital Campus,
1a Concourse Way,
S1 2BJ
- Email:
- Website:
Nothing within this Complaints Code of Practice forms or is intended to form any contract between you and Madasafish. The products and services described within this document may not always be available, and may change from time to time. Our standard Terms and Conditions apply to the product or services available. Nothing in this Complaints Code of Practice affects your statutory or common law rights.
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