PC Online Gaming

It might come as a surprise to many people that the first ever multiplayer game came out over 45 years ago! It was called Spacewar!, and featured two wire-frame spacecraft duelling it out in a galaxy far, far away. Of course, in the few decades since then, multiplayer games have come a long way, and allow you to do a lot more than lob missiles at a flickering spaceship on a computer the size of a wardrobe.
Within massively multiplayer games such as World of Warcraft and EverQuest you can explore sprawling fantasy universes, interact with other players from around the world, fight fantastic creatures, and essentially live as your character online. Beyond that, the term game itself no longer applies to environments such as Second Life and Entropia. These applications have evolved beyond the gaming element to become virtual spaces for living, hanging out with friends, even starting a business or a political movement.
Though of course if you do want to chuck missiles about and turn your friends into a fine red mist, there's still always Counter-Strike...
Madasafish doesn't impose restrictions such as throttling, port-blocking or traffic-shaping on your service. This means you won't suddenly find your online life becomes like wading through treacle at the worst possible moment. And because we offer reliable high-speed Broadband and affordable heavy usage packages, a Madasafish connection is ideal for online PC gamers, no matter how many hours a day you spend lost in a virtual world.
Each online game or virtual world is likely to have different set-up and play requirements, so a scan through the game manual or the publisher's website should help you get online. However if you have any general questions about Madasafish broadband, please Contact Us.